
On Monday, the research company Outsell, announced findings that more will be spent on online advertising than print for the first time in 2010.  The report, entitled Marketing and Ad Spending Study 2010: Total US and B2B Advertising, surveyed 1,000 marketers in the United States in December of last year.

Outsell projects that total spending on advertising this year will reach $368 billion, with almost $120 billion spent online and $112 spend on print.2010 Advertising Breakdown Chart

If we’ve reached the tipping point and fully crested the transition into the realm of digital advertising, it begs to question if the rate at which print declines from here will be prematurely expedited.

Check out the full announcement here:  Marketers’ Digital Spending to Overtake Print for First Time Ever, According to Outsell, Inc.

Well it’s time to dust off the old blog and learn a quick lesson about the Power of Inconsistency.

Inconsistency is the something that we all deal with.  Whether hitting the gym hard for 3 weeks before getting “busy at work” (Guilty), not finishing the last 2 chapters of a book for 6 months because we were “busy” (Guilty), or going MIA for 12 months on a blog due to “time limitations” (Guilty).  Regardless of the excuse, we have all been guilty of being inconsistent in our lives at some point.

The problem with inconsistency is that it kills our momentum in the pursuit of goals.  It pains me to think of all the things I could have done, or where I could be now, if only I had been more consistent in my pursuits.  ‘Where would I be now’ is the BIG QUESTION that reveals the real impact of this reality.

The Big Question

Just ask yourself:  “Where would I be now if I had only kept _______________…?”

Whether the answer is practicing the guitar, learning a language, or working towards a B.A., it becomes blatantly obvious the impact that inconsistency has had on our lives.

Beware the Subtle Stealer of Dreams

Personally, these questions began cycling through my head about a week back when I had read an article by Darren Hardy on How to Win – Every Time! The How-To in his post all boils down to CONSISTENCY.  If you are interested in how inconsistency is the “subtle stealer of dreams” as Darren calls them, I highly recommend checking out his article on the topic.

Moving forward then the question we should all start asking ourselves is; “What am I going to miss out on if I cannot maintain consistency in the pursuit of my goal?”

LESSON LEARNED: Beware the powerful temptress inconsistency; she is the subtle stealer of dreams.

I was recently sent this video [Fireside Chat – Revenue Bootcamp Aug. 7th, 2009], posted by Building43, which features a Q&A session between:

–        Guy Kawasaki – Garage Technology Ventures

–        Mike Moritz – Sequoia Capital

–        Paul Graham – Y Combinator

It is a very worthwhile video to watch if you are an entrepreneur involved in an eVenture.  Guy hosts the forum and discusses early stage technology investing with Mike and Paul.  At my personal stage in this business I found the segment on revenue the most insightful and helpful.  I’ll leave the explanations up the experts.

Included below, is an outline of the questions asked and the time in the video at which they occur in case you don’t have 60+ minutes to watch the whole thing.

Q&A Outline:

  1. Paul Graham introduces Y Combinator. (1:00)
  2. Mike Moritz introduces Sequoia Capital. (2:10)
  3. What do investors look for in a startup? (4:45)
  4. How does Sequoia & YC perceive entrepreneur’s projected revenues? (8:05)
  5. How does an entrepreneur present a competitive landscape? (15:00)
  6. Why does it seem that all startups founders are in their twenties? (18:20)
  7. What should entrepreneurs expect investors to do for them? (22:12)
  8. Is there a point when a startup should give up? (28:25)
  9. What makes a good board meeting? (32:55)

10.  Audience Questions:

    • What is going to be the next big wave of innovation? (37:30)
    • How do you value a company and how much do you expect? (43:20)
    • Comments on Socially Responsible investing and Patient Capital. (45:18)
    • How do you feel about husband and wife teams? (49:18)
    • Thoughts on entering the Chinese market for investing? (51:20)
    • Guy – Do you have higher expectations for entrepreneurs to have a prototype? (56:15)
    • Prognosis for the current economy? (58:20)
    • What advice would you give an older CEO/Founder? (61:30)

      11.  Closing with Guy (63:50)

      Shortly after the announcement that Mint.com was to be sold to Intuit in a $170m Cash Deal, CEO and Founder Aaron Patzer shared his step-by-step strategy for Mint’s growth at the Vator.tv Juice Pitcher event.  Aaron breaks down his 3-½ year journey with Mint into three phases of development, and each stage’s goal, expected expenses and runway until next round.

      Here’s the 22-minute video, and my notes below for those of you who don’t have the time…

      Awesome, insightful and very helpful to see behind-the-scene basics of a successful startup to exit in the Valley…

      PHASE I: Garage Stage (<$100k)

      –        Goal = Build a Prototype

      –        Pre-Revenue Valuation: How a company is valued prior to revenue.

      • “Rule of thumb around the Valley is to…”
        • Add + $500k / Engineer
        • Subtract – $250k / Business Guy
      • …Reason being, web startups need Engineers to build while there is little to do for the Business Guy at this stage.

      –        Mints Expenses: Calculating Phase One expenses, Burn Rate, and Runway before next round of funding (based on $100k).

      • Founders at $30k Salary for living expenses. (Aaron’s Salary = $30k)
      • Engineer First Hires at $30-50k, + 1-3% of company.  (Mint’s 1st Hires at $36k + 1 ½ to 2% Equity)
      • Legal Fees deferred payment for 0.5 to .075% of company.
      • Example: 2 Founders + 1 Engineer = $150k / Yr Burn
        • Resulting Runway = Must raise Seed Money in 9 months.

      PHASE II: Seed Money

      –        Goal = Release Alpha Launch and get it in front of users.

      • Alpha should be usable but not polished.

      –        Headcount should be around 5-6 ppl.

      • 3-4 Engineers
      • 1 Product/Front-End
      • 1 Biz Generalist

      –        Mint had raised around $750k at this point.

      –        Mint’s Expenses:  Calculating Phase Two expenses, Burn Rate, and Runway before next round of funding (based on $750k).

      • Salaries = at $50-90k
      • Overhead = + 20%
      • Legal = $25k General + $2k/mth
      • Total = $600k / Yr Burn
        • Resulting Runway = Must raise Series A within 12 months.
      • Note on Legal Fees: “One thing VC’s won’t tell you is how much the legal fees will be and that you’ll be paying theirs and yours…”
        • Paid around $60k in Legal Fees on $750k, leaving them with $690k.

      –        Revenue Projections:

      • “…they’re going to be total bullshit.” And everyone knows it.
      • What Matters Most is…
        • A Huge Market Opportunity
        • Per use/client revenue
      • How much will you make per user, per year?
      • Calculating Opportunity:
        • #User Base x Rev/User/Yr = Opportunity

      PHASE III: Funded

      –        Goal = Launch a real product and grow a profitable business.

      –        Be Aware of Hidden Expenses

      • Patents, Trademarks, Consultants, Legal, etc.

      –        Mint’s Expenses:

      • Salaries + Overhead = $200k / Yr / Person
      • Legal = $10-50k / Mth
      • Total = $6m / Yr Burn
        • Resulting Runway = Must be profitable within 2 years.


      –        Boost in Self-Confidence

      –        Gratification of creating something from nothing.

      For anyone coming across my blog here for the first time, or for those that have stopped back to check in, you may have noticed that my latest post was at the end of March.  No I haven’t been purposefully neglecting my work here.  All of my writing energy over the past few months has been dedicated to writing a business plan for a venture I am working on, RentUpdate.com.

      I felt it necessary at the least, to post this note in explanation of my disappearance.  I’ll be back with fresh content soon and will leave you with this quote from Thomas Edison:

      “Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

      I was passed this interview of Marc Andreessen by Charlie Rose and it is a must see for any entrepreneur, investor or businessperson involved in technology or the future of the Internet.  Marc Andreessen has an impressive resume as an entrepreneur, investor, and software engineer that founded Netscape, co-authored Mosiac, co-founded Ning and also sits on both ebay and facebook’s board of directors.  In this interview, Marc has offers thoughtful insight on the past, present and future of technology, the web and the major players involved.

      The video is almost an hour, but well worth the time invested.  Also I’ve noticed that there are a lot of folks on YouTube have seen clips but are looking for the full version (56 Minutes) which can be found here on either Google Video or Charlie Rose’s website.  Enjoy…

      Price TagsWhen starting a business online, one of the toughest questions entrepreneurs face is, “what should I charge?”  It is so difficult today because no matter where you turn someone is offering a similar product or service for less or free.  So how do we compete with free and still be profitable?

      “Back in the day,” entrepreneurs only had to worry about what the guy down the street was charging.  It was a bigger world then and you’d physically have to walk down the street to compare prices, and therefore the race to the bottom not as fierce.  But with the Internet, we have access to the competition at our fingertips, and more and more of the competition are just giving stuff away.  So again, how do we decide on prices and compete with free?


      First, we have to stop seeing free as the enemy.  In many cases it is unfortunate, but however you look at it, free stuff is inevitable in the online marketplace.  If it is inevitable then, you have a choice to either adapt and change with the times or struggle to keep your doors open.  Mind you that I’m not saying ‘everything’ should free, but entrepreneurs need to be aware of it, recognize it as a tool, and incorporate it into their strategy.

      Free Costs Time

      Free Costs Time

      In reality, Free is not free.  Free comes with its own price.  The price of free however, is measured by the span of our attention, in time.  I’m not spending dollars and cents every time I log into my Mint account or read an article from Hubspot, but I am spending my precious time.  It’s ironic, but in reality our TIME is much more valuable than money.  Time is a finite resource.  Time is what you spend every moment you’re logged into that free service.

      The new question then, isn’t how do I compete with free, but how do I use Free and monetize the ‘time’ of our audience?


      Seth Godin, master marketer, writes high-quality articles everyday on his blog.  Doesn’t charge anyone to read it, even though he probably could.  But he still manages to sell thousands of copies of his book, ‘Small is the New Big‘ at $26 apiece, which…is merely a collection of some of these same Free articles.  Mint.com provides an incredibly valuable personal finance tool for millions of people, but doesn’t charge a cent to its users.  It does however make money on advertising and connecting its users to credit card offers and such. Hubspot.com is an awesome Internet marketing business that offers tons of free tools, info and articles to their audience.  This draws in prospects, and they then convert these prospects into clients.


      Again, I am not saying that you shouldn’t charge people for your service and give everything away for free.  But unfortunately the online consumer expects a lot from businesses these days.  If you keep everything behind lock and key, it will hurt your business.

      What you need is a balance of both.  Offer some free advice, blog about your topic, connect with your community, and show your target audience that you know what you’re talking about and can provide value to them.  This builds trust and loyalty.  As with the examples above, by balancing the scales of what you charge for with what you give away, you can create a natural draw on your audience and monetize their time.

      LESSON LEARNED: Free does not come without cost and is therefore not FREE.  Free costs time to produce, and also to consume.

      Update: This article by Chris Anderson, entitled “Free! Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business” is an awesome resource for those that may be interested in ‘Freeconomics’…enjoy.

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      The Omni Group

      I tried, I liked, I bought… $79.95 later I am the new owner of the OminGroup’s Task Mgmt application OmniFocus and let me tell you, it is worth every penny.

      My List Obsessive History

      I’ll admit I haven’t tried 100 different task management tools, so this review will not be coming from that extreme point of view.  However, I have been a “LIST” guy for as long as I can remember.  I used the pen and paper approach for years, before going digital and building my own lists using MS Word and Excel.  I then transitioned to MS Outlook for my task management needs until recently when I bought a Mac and once again needed a new system. I took the trial of Things for Mac, which I wrote about in an article last week [Things Task Mgmt Review: ‘Gets Thumbs Down’], before taking OmniFocus for a spin.

      First Impressions: Mmm…That’s Nice.

      After installing the trial, it didn’t take me more than ten minutes before I was comfortable with the system and was managing tasks efficiently.  OmniFocus is extremely easy to use, intuitive and beautifully simple. It can handle personal tasks bagged and blindfolded with ease, but for me OmniFocus’ real value lies in its ability to handle heavy lifting.  Currently, it smoothly manages the 100+ tasks and growing, that make up my life (personal, multiple businesses, and goals).


      • Get Things Done: OmniFocus is built on David Allen’s Get Things Done (GTD) system for task management.  Not only will OmniFocus organize your stuff, it will also help you get stuff done (kind of the objective here right?).
      • Inbox for Mental Relief: The application has an “inbox” for the first part of the GTD system, Collection.  It’s quick, it’s dirty (in a good way), and makes it easy to process the inbox and sort them into action items and projects.
      • Stay Organized: You can organize all action items into folders, single-action items, projects, and tasks.  The final nail in the coffin for my unhappy trial with the Things App was the inability to create sub-items.
        • Creating Sub-Items: With OmniFocus you can add in sub-folders and sub-tasks.  This was a must-have for me.  I have many irons in the fire and need the ability to break things done without having to make new projects for everything that requires more than one step (as with Things).
        • Drag & Drop: All items in OmniFocus can be dragged and dropped into other folders, projects, or tasks (as subtasks).
      • Color Coding: Uses in-line color-coding to differentiate between contexts and items due.  Also, colored icons are used next to projects in the navigation panel, signifying what projects have pending tasks that are past-due, due today or due soon.
      • Expand/Collapse: With the ability to expand or collapse any item with sub-items, OmniFocus handles navigating quantity with ease.
      • Views for Quick Navigation:
        • Projects: View shows everything broken down into folders, projects, tasks and sub-tasks.
        • Contexts: Context view is extremely helpful.  Context describes the means of getting a task done. For example “Pick up Groceries” would fall under the context of “Errands”, where “Write Saturday’s Blog Post” would fall under the context “Mac: Online”.  Therefore when running out for errands you can view the just the errands list, print it out and take it with you.
        • Due: View and print everything Past Due, Due Today, Due Tomorrow and Due Within the Next Week.
        • Flag: Sort tasks by anything you’ve flagged for review.
      • Shortcuts: One of my favorite features is the inbox shortcut.  From anywhere on my Mac, say surfing online, I can hit [Control+Option+Space] and open a small entry window to enter a thought or task directly into the inbox without having to break my concentration.

        Direct to Inbox: Shortcut

        Direct to Inbox: Shortcut

      THE CONS:

      • Price: I’ll admit I was a bit shy of the price at first.  $80 seemed like a hefty price to pay for a list and for the first week, I was on the fence; “it’s awesome, but is it $80 awesome?”  I think that if OmniFocus lowered their price a bit, to say the $50 range, it would beat the pants off of the Things Application.
      • No Sorting in Nav. Panel: You cannot automatically sort projects within the navigation panel.  If you sort them by name it will sort projects in the main view, but not in the navigation panel.

      In summary, the task management application OmniFocus rocks, and is a superior tool for those of you that have a lot on your plates.  I’ve personally got over a hundred tasks in my list so far and OmniFocus makes managing them cake.

      If you have any questions, comments or your own thoughts on OmniFocus, leave a comment and I’d be happy to get your feedback.

      Other relative posts that may interest you:

      Things Task Mgmt Review: ‘Gets Thumbs Down’

      This morning I read the following quote by Henry Ford on a blog that I follow, called the Rat Race Trap, and wanted to share:

      “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”

      This holds an important truth for all entrepreneurs.

      Entrepreneurs are by nature, dreamers and goal setters.  Even at the far end of the spectrum, some entrepreneurs just simply don’t want to work “the Man”.  On the other end, a couple of ambitious entrepreneurs might have a friendly wager to the first one to net a billion.  But wherever you fall on the spectrum, the quote above holds true.

      LESSON LEARNED: Set ambitious goals, live Big, and dream BIGGER, but remember there can be a vast difference between “what you are going to do” and “what you’ve done.”  You’re the man Henry!

      Brewers PitcherHaving been involved in a handful of ventures, I learned quickly to take advantage of every opportunity I had to practice “the pitch.” For any entrepreneur pitching their business can be a daily routine.  Most probably practice their pitch everyday, without even knowing it.  Talking to a friend, answering the “how are you” question at work, and making small talk at family gatherings are all opportunities to practice your pitch when the topic surfaces.

      I want you to understand the importance of recognizing that these are all opportunities, so learn to PAY ATTENTION and take advantage of them.


      As an entrepreneur and in business, we should all be aware of how much we use our pitch.  Not only in presenting to an investor, but in all sales.  You pitch your ideas to your suppliers, partners, coworkers, bosses, clients, customers, everyone.  In some form or another, you have to answer their question, “what’s in it for me” and “why should I care?”

      Not only do you need to “pitch” everyday, you better get good at it if you want it to be heard.  When pitching you will be challenged with a lack of time, distractions, questions, your own nervousness, or the headache you cannot kick.  Anything and everything will be clawing at your focus and can kill your effectiveness in appealing to your audience.  On the other hand, take every opportunity to practice your pitch, over and over again, until it is programmed deeply into your brain, and you will be able to pitch in your sleep.


      I recently read an interesting article by the founder of Weebly, in which he describes his experience pitching to the Y Combinator out in Palo Alto, CA.  As founder David tells the story, he had about 15 seconds to pitch before being bombarded by questions.  The questions escalated to the point where he was actually carrying on two totally different conversations in the same room with different investors.

      Wow, it seems you are going to want have this pitch second nature and know your stuff right?  Well it sounds like after a 15-minute push and few back-end hours, David ended up with the financing he needed for Weebly (Yay for him). But are you ready to be thrown into the lion’s den?


      Currently, I am preparing to woo investors this year for my startup RentUpdate.com.  My partner and I are revamping the business plan and are preparing to start pitching to investors by mid-year.  Today, I had stopped by the office quickly to drop off some paperwork and I found an opportunity to practice my pitch.

      While at the office, I ran into a co-worker who had asked me if I was still working on RentUpdate.  I was busy trying to get out of there and wanted to give him the 10-second spiel (thanks to Scott on the correct spelling for ‘spiel’).  Anyway I hesitated for a second, before deciding to take the opportunity to pitch him the business.  Pending my upcoming year I thought, “Hell, might as well start practicing.”  So I did, and about 10 minutes and a few questions later, he was interested and told me I should pitch the idea to my boss as a possible investor… Interesting.


      Over the years what I’ve noticed about myself as a salesperson (the same that anyone should notice), is that I get better every time I make my presentation or pitch.  Different people, different responses, different environment, different questions, are all things that change with each new prospect.  Thus, with each new prospect and every pitch, I become more confident, refined and prepared to answer questions before they become questions.


      Take the opportunity to make your pitch to anyone that will listen.  Start with your significant other, your buddy, your parents, coworkers, whomever.  And you don’t have to give them the “FULL” presentation with slides, handouts, and special effects, but just give them the raw pitch.  Explain to them what you’re working on and why you think or “know”, it will work.  Practice changing it up and morphing your pitch to suit your audience.  Mom might not be so tech savvy, so dumb it down a bit (sorry Mom) so that she can visualize the concept and see its potential.  Your buddy on the other hand might be a techy geek, so get into the sweet Ajax features that you’ve got incorporated into the application.  Bump into the marketing guy at work, talk to him about your plan to spread the word and ask him if he’s got any ideas.


      • Ask: Ask for questions, feedback and ideas. It’s amazing how outsiders can often see more and tell you more about your business than you can, because there on the outside looking in.
      • Embrace Perspective: Perspective is your friend.  Someone in a hole can tell you with great detail every aspect of the hole, but it’s probably a good idea to ask other people who are not in the hole what they think the hole looks like.
      • Get feedback and Pay Attention: If something is extremely difficult to explain to someone, then perhaps you’ve over-complicated it or perhaps you’re over-complicating the business itself.

      Lesson Learned: Take advantage of every chance you get to discuss your business and practice your pitch with others.  See them as the small jewels of opportunity that they are.  These mini-pitches are helping you get ready for the big game.  So when the time comes and you have your 15 seconds to shine for that million-dollar investment, you can knock it out of the park.